Posted by : Unknown Sunday, 15 December 2013

Genre: Thriller

“These include such genres as mystery, detective movies, gangster movies, crime, spy films, science fiction, film noir, occult and haunted house horror movies. An atmosphere of creeping menace and sudden outbursts of violence, crime, and murder characterise these films; the withholding of crucial information from the viewer is also an important device, as are action set pieces such as gunfights and chases. Thrillers often present a vision of the world and society as dark, corrupt and dangerous, but in Hollywood they usually feature upbeat endings in which evil is overcome and the status quo is restored, often with lingering side effects.”


The theme can arbitrarily be taken for one or even a collective of these suggested themes in the list below, because when you view the picture your witnessing many themes at the same time, the way how I’m going to story board this story will hopefully help convey the idea of some of these selected/suggested themes below.
Depression, suicidal, lonely, death, despair, evil/sin, fear, illusion reality, spiritual/ fighting inner demons.

The idea/story

Ophelia, a 38 year old widow whom has been made bankrupt because of her husband’s death; taking on his financial debts, with nothing to live for; commits suicide by overdosing on pills to put herself out of misery. She attempts to flood her house in the process so that she can drown away her sorrows with her demise. Having overdosed on the pills, she entered into an unconscious, mysterious; surreal, timeless; hyper-reality, parallel universe of her suburban house surrounding.

Because the lights in the house have been switched on constantly for a week straight, the neighbours are suspicious as to what has happened to Ophelia. A neighbour decided to contact the police and notify them about the house; and also the recent events what has happened concerning Ophelia. Two police officers were dispatched to go and investigate the report. Up on arrival to Ophelia’s address, walking up the pathway to the house, before they reached the door they were greeted with the most prevalent, overwhelming disgusting musty mist of stench, which smelled like wet earth mixed with stale cider and cigarette smoke; to which immediately they rushed to the house and began to bang at the front door to see if anyone was behind it before they broke it down to enter.

Meanwhile, while we’re still exploring this unconscious, timeless, hyper-reality; parallel universe, we’re distracted by the prominent sound of the house phone ringing, gradually getting louder; which signifies us to wake up (exit this hyper-reality; parallel universe); to which we are then brought back to reality as we hear the door banging, and shouting from outside, assisted by police walkie talky sounds. The police eventually break the door down, and are overpowered by the strong smell of death as the water gushes out the door onto the pathway, surrounding their feet carrying Ophelia with the current, whilst the audience of neighbours, startled, watch in awe.

The end.


Name: Ophelia
Age: 38
Ethnicity: white
Physical appearance:  5 ft 5, dark brown hair, brown eyes, smooth skin,
Marital status: Widow

Personality trait
Polite, sociable, well spoken, responsible, kind, gentle, loving, and morally vigorous. But ever since her husbands’ death she has become upset, stressed, agitated, unsociable, escapes to an alternate reality in reading books and rely’s on consuming off the shelve drugs for happiness,


Name: Police
Ethnicity: One officer is black and the other white.
Age: 36/37
Physical appearance: one is overweight with a endomorph build and the other has a slim mesomorph build


Recently widowed, faced with financial crisis, house about to be repossessed, Ophelia normally drowns her sorrow to escape reality, but this time there’s no return.

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