Posted by : Unknown Friday 10 October 2014

Recruiting people proved more of a challenge then we thought it would be, we got to Canterbury at 11.30, and was there until 2.30. In that space of time we only managed to interview 7 people.

When we arrived at Canterbury we parked next to the Town center, opposite the bus station.
We then went to McDonalds so that a some of the crew could get something to eat, and also for us to set up our equipment. Whilst me and Mark was sorting out the equipment, Andy and Roxanne was looking for convenient and potential spots to find and interview people at.

We first pitched up opposite a coffee shop at the opposite end of the hughstreet, but that spot didn't serve us too well as the people there was not too keen on being interviewed, so we relocated to the middle of the hughstreet, opposite the 02 mobile phone store.

While we was there, Roxanne and i spoke to many people whom had mixed opinions about the U2 album being on there iOS device's, however, they were not too interested in being interviewed because they claimed that they were camera shy, and did not want to be on camera, however, if it would of been Vox pops for a radio interview, then they would feel more comfortable.

Originally it was just Roxanne whom was approaching people asking for interviews, but because a lot of people was either not interested or shy, i also joined in whilst holding the camera. The reason i held the camera was so that the people whom i was approaching knew straight away what i was involved in, and also because it is a professional set up, they're likely to take me more serious and here what i have to say. Doing this proved a bit more successful on approaching and talking to people, but when it came to closing the deal, the public whom i asked still claimed that they're camera shy!

What made our task a HEAD JAR, was the fact that nearly everybody and there Puss and Dog had an iPhone out on display as they were walking up the high street! EVENTUALLY however, we managed to get people to interview!! some very passionate, and some very shy, but still helped out.

Here is our Mini photo diary of the Day provided by Andy.

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. It is good to experience the challenge of trying to shoot impromptu interviews! Voxes can indeed be tricky as the people you are speaking to do not have the vested interest and therefore the motivation to take part that interviewees who have been carefully researched, selected and set up would have. Also the quality of responses from voxes can be very variable. They are good for things which are generally relevant to the majority of people and which evoke strong opinions - getting a feel for the general reaction to particular issues or incidents.



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