Posted by : Unknown Tuesday 24 September 2013

Today Simon set us a task to team up with another pupil from our lecture group and create a 25-word pitch and a short story for a feature film called ‘The meet’.
Here is a picture of the task conditions we had to work under

The member of my group whom I teamed up with was CK.
The set location we were given was a container yard. The characters we were given were, an office clearer and an unemployed teenager.
When we had received our items to start work, we looked over what we had and tried to make sense of it all, why is there an office cleaner? How old is he/she? How is he/she important to the unemployed teenager? Who is the teenager?
Once we had gone through that thought process and jotted down a few ideas, we narrowed down our selections into a character table to insert our final decisions into each characters section

When we had given our characters an identity and a personality, it made it easier for us to create a reason for why they would be at the container yard and include a plot into this reason with minor adjustments.
Using our table to build off of, we then put together a 26-word pitch, what would besides letting our audience know what our feature film is about, would also remind us what we are writing about as we then expanded that pitch into a short story.

Here is our final draft story.......

Container Terminal 18

Theme: Action thriller


Unemployed during his 6thform Christmas break; Luke is sent to work as an office cleaner with his granddad Harry at London’s notorious Container Terminal18


An unemployed 18 year old teenager named Luke whom is on his school Christmas break is currently helping his granddad out with his office cleaning job at the container yard working night shifts.
One night as he is waiting for his granddad to turn up to work. He lit a cigarette, as he was 10 minutes early. Whilst smoking, he over hears multiple voices coming from a part of the container yard he though was suppose to be empty.

As he goes over to explore what is happening, he notices people loading bags into a container where the noise was coming from. Suddenly a filthy child in tattered clothing runs out of the container, this startles Luke making him jump in disbelief that then notices the antagonist that someone is observing them.


Grandpa Harry (as referred to by Luke) has now turned up to the closed office, let himself in and walked towards his cleaning cupboard. While preparing for the shift, he becomes concerned for his grandson because he is now 20 minutes late. He tries to contact him on his mobile but is getting bad reception inside the office, so he makes the call outside. Once outside manages to get good with reception and tries to contact his grandson, but his phone line is just ringing out. As he continues to phone his grandson, Harry too hears a noise coming from the distance, to which he then follows, as he gets closer, the sound becomes more prominent and he recognizes the noise as his grandsons ring tone, until eventually he was standing looking down at Lukes phone.

Feed back
At the end of the workshop we pitched our short story to our whole class and tutor, our class and tutor liked our story and we got some positive feedback on how we could improve it. Simon advised us that sometimes instead of giving a scenario a professional from that background i.e. a builder building a house, make it something that the audience would not expect to add more suspense and interest to the plot i.e. a monkey building a house, the reason he told us that was because of the character profile we originally given Harry, a retired special ops mercenary 

How this helped me?
Well… it definitely has opened up my mind to a more structural thought process when trying to think of an idea for a short story, helping me to quickly establish logical explanations for my story idea i.e. Who? What? When? Where? How? and also to keep the viewer guessing whilst establishing what they're seeing not making my screenplay too predictable

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