Posted by : Unknown Tuesday 26 April 2016

At this point in time, even though the story is not fully established, i thought that it would be a good idea to capture footage of Oli during his 3rd professional boxing match, so that i have extra coverage that i could potentially use in the portrait documentary. 

This was the first shoot which was fairly rushed in setting up, as i’d not to long come up with the project idea that i wanted to do a portrait documentary. So for this shoot, i had a rough shot list prepared for the location, however, as for what i’d actually covered, i didn’t manage to get all that i wanted to capture because the schedule of the event did not go fully according to how i had imagined, Although, the shoot went Ok and i managed to get a fair amount of coverage that i had on my shot list.

Shot list

Camera set up
The filming equipment i used to cover this event was:
Sony A7s
Canon 24-105mm IS F4 zoom lens - to get a variety of different focal lengths during the shoot such as wide then close ups
Rhode video mic pro hypacardiod directional mic
Monfrotto Fig rig - To provide me with stabilisation during the shoot, and any potential tracking shots.

The settings that i used for the A7s was:

Picture profile: Cine 4 - Movie: strengthens the contrast in dark region of the image and produces less noise in low light situations
Variable Iso
50FPS (for potential slow motion plus sharp footage)

Although i brought along the Fig Rig, this was used so that i could track Oli during the ring walk, providing a stable image. Besides that, the rest of the shoot was handheld.

Here's some shots of me at work

Because i had not set up my white balance properly, there was a slight greenish feel on some of the clips. The white balance issue was a bit of a challenge for me to remember to change at each room, as due to everything happening so fast, it was something that i’d overlooked, which resulted in me having one set white balance for all the footage recorded at medway park. So during post production, this is something i will have to correct using the lumetri scope tools to help amend the colour for the footage.


As for crew, i managed to ask a friend of mine to help me out on getting audio coverage during the boxing match, because as i would be moving around and potentially stopping and starting my camera etc… Chris being their covering audio, he would make sure that there is a constant crisp recording of the entire match without interruption, so he came along with his sound equipment to cover the boxing match audio for me, using his Zoom H6, Beyer dynamic MCe86/2 hypercardiod directional shotgun mic and boom pole plus blimp to get crisp clean audio of the boxing match from the side of the ring, capturing the the clashing of the leather boxing gloves, the dancing feet on the boxing canvas and also the audience atmosphere. He also used the Zoom H4 as an optional back up audio coverage for just the crowd if i wanted to use any sound of it during the edit.

Because of the hypacardiod directional mic Chris was using, he turned down the gain on his recorder so that the range of it mainly eliminated the background crowd atmosphere and solely focused primarily on the boxing match. 

Here's some pictures of Chris at work, operating his sound equipment.

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